Understanding Cavities: Are Cavities Contagious?

Understanding Cavities: Are Cavities Contagious?


Cavities are not desirable by anyone, however, if there is any problem in maintaining oral hygiene, it leads to cavities. When a person suffers from cavities, there are many doubts that they face and one of such doubts is to know whether the cavities are contagious or not. So, in this article, we will understand what is a cavity and whether they are contagious or not. 

However, if you are in Dacula and face any dental problems, then it would be better for you to consult an expert dentist who can guide you about the dental issues. There are various Dacula dental restorations techniques that they can use to restore your smile and solve any dental issue. 

What are Cavities? 

A cavity is a tooth decay which is a visible hole in the outer layer of the tooth. The outer layer of the tooth is called an enamel and this (cavity) is the common problem that people face. When there is a small hole in the tooth enamel, then it is considered as an early warning sign of the cavity formation and therefore, you must look for techniques to remineralize your tooth enamel. If you do not treat your decay problem then the damage may enter deeper layers of dentin and pulp. 

Are Cavities Contagious? 

As per studies, cavities are not contagious and it does not spread directly. However, the bacteria that cause the cavities may spread through saliva and therefore, it might spread in such cases. Thus, it is always recommended by doctors that you take care of your teeth and do not lead to any situation of tooth decay where there can be spread of bacteria. 

Can Cavities Spread from One Person to Another? 

Cavities are not directly contagious, but the bacteria that cause the cavities can spread through saliva and thus through this it can spread from one person to another with or sometimes without contact. For instance, there can be indirect contact such as sharing food, utensils, or other such contact that can spread the bacteria. 

If you want to reduce this chance of spreading bacteria, then you have to maintain your oral hygiene and decrease the possibility of exchanging oral bacteria. 

Can Cavities Spread from Mother to Child? 

If you are a pregnant woman, then it is very important for you to maintain your oral hygiene. You should brush your teeth regularly because your actions will have an impact on your child too. A pregnant person with poor oral health has a lot more chance of spreading the cavity-laden bacteria to their babies. Thus, it can be said that there is a high chance of potential source of transmission of cavities from mother to child. 

In some research, it is also proven that there are some other ways through which this cavity can spread from mother to child. For instance, if there is snuggling or rubbing of cheeks or noses together, blowing food, sharing utensils, and kissing the baby on the mouth or face. If there are such activities with the baby, then the baby can catch the cavities from the mother. However, if there is no such direct contact then the bacteria might not spread. Mothers are generally recommended to take care of their dental health during pregnancy or even after the delivery of the baby so that their actions do not lead to any negative impact on the baby. 

You should always maintain your healthy teeth by maintaining oral hygiene so that there is no scope for you to have cavities and you can be free from any fear of cavities spreading. 

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