Types of Dental Fillings in Merced, CA

Types of Dental Fillings in Merced, CA


Dental fillings are a common treatment option for cavities and decayed teeth. They place the filling inside those cavities to prevent further decay of other parts and restore the function & integrity of your tooth structure as recommended by a dentist in Merced CA. If you are in need of dental fillings here at our office in Merced, CA, and would like to learn more about the types available with us please give us a call. The following blog post will discuss the different types of dental fillings, their merits, and well uses.

1. Amalgam Fillings

These are found in silver fillings and consist of a mixture of metals including mercury, tin, copper, and silver. The fillings have been in use for over a hundred years and are proven to be stronger and longer lasting. Amalgam fillings are really strong and can withstand massive amounts of pressure while chewing so they’re great for molars or when there is a lot of repeat force.


Amalgam fillings are silver in appearance and stand out more than tooth-colored material. Patients might feel sensitivity to heat or cold after getting an amalgam filling but fortunately, it will only be short-lived.

2. Composite Fillings

Composite fillings are materials made up of plastic and small glass particles. They are also tooth-colored and look very natural. Composite fillings are tooth-colored so they look natural which makes it a popular choice for the front teeth. The fillings themselves bond to the structure of your teeth, offering extra grip for the tooth itself.


Although they are durable, composite fillings will not last as long as amalgam ones and may need to be replaced after a few years. In comparison, amalgam fillings are typically less expensive.

3. Ceramic Fillings

Ceramic fillings (Porcelain) are a type of dental filling made from ceramic material which is tough and also esthetically good. They are tailor-made in a dental laboratory and then glued to the tooth. Ceramic fillings are also very stain-resistant and can be color-matched to the exact shade of your natural teeth. These fillings are pretty sturdy; they can last for several years with proper care. Ceramic fillings are bio-acceptable in that few people would be allergic or sensitive to them.

4. Gold Fillings

Another type of indirect filling could be a gold filling that is primarily copper or other metals with some amount of gold. They are known for being durable and long-lasting. Gold fillings last for years. These fillings can last under the pressure of biting and chewing loads, so they are good for cosmetic (front) teeth. Gold fillings are biocompatible which do not cause allergic reactions.


Gold fillings are costlier than any other filling type. The color of the gold can be observed, which may present a problem for some patients. Getting gold fillings takes just as long or longer than getting ceramic fillings.

5. Glass Ionomer Fillings

These are glass solid precuts that release fluoride; they are created from acrylic and some unique types of glass. They are common fillings in children and non-stress-bearing areas of the mouth.

Selecting the best kind of dental filling in Merced, California, is dependent on several variables, such as the cavity’s location, the required level of durability, personal preferences, and financial constraints. It’s crucial to go over your alternatives with your dentist, who can offer tailored advice based on your unique requirements and oral health situation. Your dental restorations will last and function well as long as you maintain proper oral hygiene and schedule routine checkups, regardless of whether you choose amalgam, composite, ceramic, gold, or glass ionomer fillings.

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